Bangka-Belitung Reclamation Conceptual Design

Bangka-Belitung Reclamation Conceptual Design

The site assessment and conceptual design provided information on the different elements and approaches for the restoration and reclamation of a 10-hectare artisanal tin mining site found on the island of Bangka-Belitung. The design approach was based on existing site information, successful reclamation projects and approaches from the surrounding region. The design was proposed to reclaim economic benefits and restore the ecological health of the site, providing diverse economic opportunities for the local community through agriculture, recreation, and forestry projects. The conceptual design package presented information on how to address existing conditions for the site, while establishing forested lands, agricultural fields, and wetland habitats. These areas would be enhanced through the construction of on-site composting facilities and structures to assist in site maintenance and recreational use of the site. Best management practices (BMPs) for establishing these areas were developed, including information on site grading and soil preparation, individual plant species specifications, maintenance recommendations. Additional information on community organization and engagement was also included along with estimated costs for implementation. This design approach was built upon previously successful reclamation techniques, in the hope of developing a replicable restoration approach that can be applied to similar areas in the region. Oxbow Ecological Engineering collaborated with Fred Phillips Consulting on the development of conceptual grading and improvement plans and details, cost estimates, and technical specifications for civil works at the site.


Bangka-Belitung Island, Indonesia


IDH – The Sustainable Trade Initiative

PT Bangka-Belitung Timah Sejahtera

Design Team:

Fred Phillips Consulting, LLC


Oxbow Ecological Engineering, LLC

Michael Barkley Agriculture

Veduta Design
